Interreg VI news




LIVING Vecht-Dinkel

Für ein sicheres, natürliches und vitales Vechte-Dinkel-Einzugsgebiet

The main topic in LIVING is the compatibility of and synergy between several different objectives, such as flood protection, regional economic development and environmental protection in the Vecht-Dinkel system. The objectives are realized in eleven measures and projects. Amongst other, the following cross-border results will be pursued in this project; a flood forecasting model to predict floods for the Vecht, a concept for development as well an implemented water retention measure for the Dinkel, improved cycling routes along the Vecht, and the realization of a tourist meeting point near the Vecht. Because of the nature of this project, which surmounts borders and topics, efficient and effective lines of communication between the project partners along the entire river system are necessary. The knowledge exchange between partners is therefore an important part of this project.

To project (external link)


Planned project costs

2.480.283,00 €

Project Duration

1.2.2017 - 31.3.2022


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

Waterschap Vechtstromen

Project partners

EUREGIO, Kreis Borken, Partner Provincie Overijssel, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Samtgemeinde Emlichheim, Waterschap Drents Overijselse Delta, Stichting De Koppel, Vechtdal Marketing, NLWKN, Naturschutzstiftung Grafschaft Bentheim,


Financer Amount
Stichting De Koppel 8.000,00 €
Waterschap Drents Overijselse Delta 73.250,00 €
Waterschap Vechtstromen 259.422,44 €
Kreis Steinfurt 15.000,00 €
Naturschutzstiftung Grafschaft Bentheim 21.000,00 €
NLWKN 30.000,00 €
Partner Provincie Overijssel 25.000,00 €
Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim 100.725,00 €
Kreis Borken 200.000,00 €
Vechtdal Marketing 30.500,00 €
EFRE / EFRO 1.375.147,28 €
EUREGIO 90.000,00 €
MWIDE NRW 124.309,57 €
Provincie Overijssel 248.619,14 €
Samtgemeinde Emlichheim 25.000,00 €
MB Niedersachsen 124.309,57 €