Interreg VI news
Five sectors in the programme area have been identified as particularly important for achieving the objectives related to innovation:
A strategic initiative document has been drawn up for each of these sectors. These documents identify the most important challenges, trends, and cross-border opportunities in the relevant sector. It provides a framework for all projects carried out within that sector. For example, the document forecasts the most promising trends and developments of the years ahead and lists the criteria that eligible projects should satisfy. The strategic initiative documents are drawn up by experts from the business sector, the research community, and government. You can find them in the download section (only available in German and Dutch).
A strategic initiative is not a project but a framework for various large and small projects within the programme. If you would like to undertake a project in one or more of relevant sectors – Agribusiness/Food, Health & Life Sciences, High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM), Logistics and/or Energy/CO2 reduction – then your project will need to fit into the strategic initiatives. Please pay close attention to the content of the strategic initiative document as you are developing your project, because it also serves as a key assessment framework in the decision-making process later on.
The main focus of the strategic initiatives are the shared objectives of participating partners:
The strategic initiatives provide an impetus for projects within the five priority sectors. Because all the projects carried out in these sectors are based on the principles of the strategic initiatives, designated use of funding is guaranteed and project quality will improve. This is important for ensuring that the innovation programme objectives are achieved.
Strategic initiative projects are not tied to a specific region or Euroregion. Projects can be carried out at regional level, but they can also cover the entire programme area. The most important criteria for assessment are the project content and quality.
The strategic initiatives make synergies possible. By building strong sector-specific networks, we can accelerate developments and encourage new ideas and partnerships. We can also avoid doing things twice in the programme area.
A strategic initiative is not a project. Strategic initiatives cover projects that are no different from “normal” projects. The strategic initiative, however, provides thematic guidance for projects in certain sectors, ensuring focused and coherent investment across the programme area.
Some funding is available for innovation projects that are not covered by the strategic initiatives. Examples include other key regional sectors or general measures meant to boost the SME sector.
If the project falls within one or more of the relevant sectors – Agribusiness/Food, Health & Life Sciences, High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM), Logistics and/or Energy/CO2 reduction – then it can only be carried out within the framework of a strategic initiative and must therefore satisfy that initiative’s content and quality criteria.
Each strategic initiative document sets out relevant quality criteria. The so-called ‘Innovatie-Overleg’, a programme-wide advisory committee, assesses projects on these and other criteria. It also discusses chances for links between projects, the proposed partner constellation and the chances for cofinancing for the project. It formluates comments for the project partners and a recommendations for the respective Steering Committee which in the end decides on the funding of the project.
Would you like to carry out a project in one of the relevant sectors – Agribusiness/Food, Health & Life Sciences, High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM), Logistics and/or Energy/CO2 reduction? Please write down your ideas using the “Project idea” form, which can be found in German or Dutch in the downloads section, and discuss your concept with the staff of the nearest regional programme management. Contact details can be found here.
After you submit a full project concept, the programme partners and experts in the Innovatie-Overleg, a programme-wide advisory committee for innovation projects, will discuss and assess it. If the Innovatie-Overleg makes a positive recommendation, your project will be submitted to the regional Steering Committee for a decision on funding. Before this, you might need to revise your project application according to the comments of the Innovatie-Overleg.
Projects carried out within the framework of the INTERREG programme Deutschland-Nederland usually receive funding drawn from the following sources:
Your project and others covered by the strategic initiatives will be subject to monitoring and the relevant sector-specific experts will meet occasionally to assess whether the strategic initiatives are going according to plan and whether the objectives are being achieved. There will also be a series of meetings at which you will meet other project parties within the sector; arrangements will also be made within the programme for joint communication (brochures, websites, etc.).