Interreg VI news




Kanalallee Denekamp - Nordhorn

Verbindungen entlang der Kanalallee Denekamp - Nordhorn

We develop a cultural-historical route that connects Denekamp and Nordhorn. This route informs about the history of the canal and its surroundings. This is done by means of information signs in German and Dutch. In addition, it is very important to make the too narrow cycle path for tourists / visitors and educational activities safer and more attractive by expanding it and thus ensuring a good connection with the Nordhorn part. In particular, a cultural-historical route is developed by building and improving the following components:

1. Realization of the cultural-historical route
2. Install 10 information boards
3. Place peat ship
4. Renovation “Komiezenhut”
5. Free cutting of the shore to improve biodiversity
6. Extension of the narrow bike path of 4.3 km in length
7. Install the bicycle counting station
8. Create a boat dock
9. Joint marketing concept
10. Create a route flyer / booklet and a route app


Planned project costs

545.400,00 €

Project Duration

1.1.2020 - 30.6.2022


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

Gemeente Dinkelland

Project partners

Stadt Nordhorn,


Financer Amount
Provincie Overijssel 30.316,46 €
Stadt Nordhorn 96.207,38 €
EFRE / EFRO 263.709,70 €
Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim 5.000,00 €
MB Niedersachsen 30.316,46 €
Gemeente Dinkelland 110.000,00 €