Interreg VI news




Doppelte Qualifizierung = doppelte Chancen

Doppelt Qualifizieren und Examinieren in der Praxis

Starting with four professions, the project´s aim was to identify commons and differences of each country´s regulations. In a second step additional training units will be designed which, having attended, can compensate missing elements of vocational education of one country. Having run through both an apprenticeship following national rules plus additional training units people will not only better be able to pass their exams in their country but also should get the recognition or admittance to examination in the neighbour country.

Following the labour market’s needs the project partners chose these four trades:
1. Elektroniker/in für Energie- und Gebäudetechnik (DE) – monteur elektrotechnische installaties (NL) (= electrician)
2. Metallbauer/in für Konstruktionstechnik (DE) – constructiewerker (NL) (= construction mechanic)
3. Anlagenmechaniker/in (SHK) (DE) – monteur voor sanitair-, verwarmings, klimaattechniek (NL) (= system mechanic sanitary, heating and air conditioning)
4. Zerspanungsmechaniker/in (DE) – allround verspaner (NL) (= cutting machine operator)

The project has completed the comparison of training schedules on the German and Dutch sides and summarised similarities and differences in four information packages (see website Contents of supplementary training courses accompanying vocational training were also identified. The latter can be added to existing curricula, so that this overall package will make recognition easier in both countries. In the project, the use of the results was agreed with the responsible authorities. In this way, the barrier effect of the border on both sides will be reduced by emphasising the common features of the region as an area with a common history, population and economy.

To project (external link)


Planned project costs

912.933,20 €

Project Duration

1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

BTZ des Handwerks GmbH

Project partners

Alfa college,


Financer Amount
BTZ des Handwerks GmbH 104.959,83 €
Alfa college 73.086,52 €
MB Niedersachsen 136.939,98 €
EFRE / EFRO 456.466,60 €
Provincie Overijssel 136.939,98 €
Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim 20.000,00 €