Interreg VI news
The aim of the project euregio-Xperience was to strengthen the awareness of trainees at Dutch and German secondary vocational education schools in order to show the opportunities which a crossborder job market will provide them. Intercultural workshops at secondary vocational education schools, trainings concerning young peoples’ application for a job, language courses and presentations of guest lecturers provided by German and Dutch company-leaders were fundamental measures of the project that should lead to more student exchanges and to a better intercultural understanding.
In the context of the project there was also the possibility for trainees to visit companies. All those measures should enable trainees to be placed on hands-on-trainings at the job. In this way German and Dutch companies were included in the project. On the one hand this German-Dutch initiative made the recruitment of skilled employees easier for companies and led to a better transfer of knowledge on the other hand.
As leadpartner the euregio rijn-maas-noord was be responsible for the coordination of the project and took care of the same opportunities between German en Dutch secondary vocational education schools and companies at both sides of the border.
669.915,01 €
1.7.2015 - 30.6.2019
Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area
euregio rhein-maas-nord
Oeffentliche und private Stellen , Stichting Gilde Opleidingen,
Financer | Amount |
Stichting Gilde Opleidingen | 7.976,40 € |
euregio rhein-maas-nord | 131.122,01 € |
Provincie Limburg | 99.528,11 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 331.760,38 € |
MWIDE NRW | 99.528,11 € |
Oeffentliche und private Stellen | 0,00 € |