Interreg VI news
On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 the Emslaendische Landschaft and its project-partners want to further raise public awareness of the immaterial cultural heritage in the Emsland, the Grafschaft Bentheim and the Drenthe region. Thus, stakeholders from both Germany and the Netherlands have banded together in work groups to collectively elaborate on cultural heritage topics from a cross-border perspective. The results of these work groups will be presented to a wider public in a variety of joint events and projects. The combination of tradition and modern-day culture, the mediation of immaterial cultural heritage and the development of joint strategies for future handling of cultural heritage are central aspects of this venture.
388.800,00 €
4.5.2018 - 31.12.2021
Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area
Emsländische Landschaft e.V.
Provincie Drenthe, Emslandmuseum Lingen, Kunst & Cultuur Drenthe - Expertisecentrum en projectorganisatie kunst en cultuur,
Financer | Amount |
Emslandmuseum Lingen | 3.060,00 € |
Provincie Drenthe | 97.120,00 € |
Kunst & Cultuur Drenthe - Expertisecentrum en projectorganisatie kunst en cultuur | 0,00 € |
Emsländische Landschaft e.V. | 58.480,00 € |
MB Niedersachsen | 38.800,00 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 191.340,00 € |