Interreg VI news
The tourism sector faces major challenges. Digital developments follow each other in rapid succession and consumers expect tailor-made tourism offerings. Tourist companies and organisations need to respond to industry-specific trends and innovations. Big Data, User Generated Content and implementation of innovative possibilities (e.g. video content, influencer marketing, Augmented and Virtual Reality, etc.) along the Customer Journey are key concepts that will determine the developments in the coming years. These concepts form the three pillars of this grant application “GTI 2”.
The successful activities of GTI are further developed and complemented with measures that respond to the latest requirements and appropriate trends in the tourism market and the analysis of relevant big data. SMEs in the tourism sector, which still face barriers to access to the neighbouring country market, will be supported in overcoming existing barriers and increasing their innovation capacity through tailor-made training, advice and cross-border cooperation in clusters. The existing platforms “Das Andere Holland” and “Geheim over de grens” are being renewed as part of a digitisation offensive and reinforced on the basis of Big Data analysis. They serve tourism SMEs and tourism organisations not only as a communication platform, but also as a blueprint in their search for answers to current market challenges.
The project objective is to increase the number of visitors, overnight stays and expenditure from the neighbouring country by making entrepreneurs and organisations fit for the cross-border challenges and enabling them to deal with them independently.
The combination – support for regional SMEs and cross-border cooperation to tackle the challenges together – is the great added value of the project.
3.423.832,16 €
1.7.2019 - 30.9.2022
Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area
Münsterland e.V., Grafschaft Bentheim Tourismus e.V., Tourismusverband Osnabrücker Land e.V., Stichting Marketing Oost, Stichting Toerisme Gelderland, Stichting Achterhoek Toerisme, Toerisme Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen BV, Stichting Bureau Toerisme, Stichting NBTC Holland Marketing, Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH,
Financer | Amount |
Provincie Overijssel | 198.000,00 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 1.649.999,98 € |
Stichting Toerisme Gelderland | 0,00 € |
Stichting NBTC Holland Marketing | 10.000,00 € |
Stichting Achterhoek Toerisme | 42.163,47 € |
EUREGIO | 74.023,24 € |
Münsterland e.V. | 86.826,93 € |
Tourismusverband Osnabrücker Land e.V. | 24.118,59 € |
Toerisme Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen BV | 84.326,93 € |
Stichting Bureau Toerisme | 42.163,47 € |
Grafschaft Bentheim Tourismus e.V. | 86.826,93 € |
MWIDE NRW | 264.000,00 € |
Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH | 62.708,34 € |
MB Niedersachsen | 131.999,99 € |
Stichting Marketing Oost | 168.653,86 € |
Regionale Co-Finanzierung NL + DE (KMU / MKB) | 176.188,27 € |
Provincie Gelderland | 198.000,00 € |