Interreg VI news
Themes Health-i-care: innovations for safer healthcare
All health-i-care project activities are devoted to the highly actual thematic focus of prevention and control of hospital infections and antibiotic resistance and the associated risks for patients and public health.
Health-i-care focuses on developing innovative products and technologies that protect the population from infection and that cope with antibiotic resistance. This involves the innovative and different tools in the fields of diagnostics, therapy, cleaning, medical technology and information-based and persuasive communications. The project was conceived from concrete demands and needs of users and purchasing parties of future customers.
Health -i- Care is committed by means of crossborder and cross-sector networking to strengthening the capacity for innovation in the border region and , related to this , the development of one strong health economic region. SMEs are the essential engine for these innovations. Only in conjunction with them the in health-i-care -defined 30 relevant innovative products and technologies, that contribute to the preservation of our for health so important hygienic standards, can be developed.
7.150.000,00 €
1.4.2016 - 30.9.2020
Increase of cross-border innovation in the programme area
Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG)
CWZ (Stichting Nijmeegs Interconfessioneel Ziekenhuis Canisius Wilhelmina) , Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Universiteit Twente, Universität Oldenburg - European Medical School (EMS), Bananaa Opmerkelijke Communicatie B.V., Biotrack B.V., BioVisible B.V., Brandes-Innovation i.G., Checkbuster B.V. , Check-Points Health B.V., Coolminds B.V., eLABBS / Exxellence B.V., Eno Zorgverzekering N.V., Hycult Biotechnology B.V., IDMC B.V., Indietopia B.V., initiate Development, KSYOS TeleMedisch Centrum, Lanthio-pharma B.V., Mediaproducts B.V., Novioscan B.V., Ophardt Hygiene-Technik GmbH + Co. KG, ORTEC Consulting Group B.V., PolyVation B.V., RePoint B.V., Ridom GmbH, S&F Datentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, T-Xchange B.V., Virtask Virtual Assistant B.V, Watter B.V., Westfalen Gas AG, EasyMeasure B.V., CKM GmbH, Wetsus, Duits-Nederlandse Handelskamer (DNHK), Universität Bielefeld (Fakultät für Physik) , Christophorus-Kliniken (Institut für Labormedizin, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene), RadboudUMC, afdeling Medische Microbiologie, Cosine Research B.V., Desah B.V., RadboudUMC, afdeling Kindergeneeskunde, Gemeinschaftspraxis für Gefäßmedizin - Gefäßzentrum Mönchengladbach DGG, On-Lab GmbH, Cicero Communicatie, Brainlink B.V., AGILeBiotics B.V. , Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD) , LABCON-OWL Analytik, Forschung und Consulting GmbH , Microbial Analysis B.V. , 8D Games V.O.F.,
Financer | Amount |
8D Games V.O.F. | 19.585,00 € |
initiate Development | 20.000,00 € |
On-Lab GmbH | 26.400,00 € |
EasyMeasure B.V. | 36.000,00 € |
eLABBS / Exxellence B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
ORTEC Consulting Group B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
RePoint B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
MWIDE NRW | 393.250,00 € |
Cosine Research B.V. | 0,00 € |
Lanthio-pharma B.V. | 0,00 € |
Universität Oldenburg - European Medical School (EMS) | 30.000,00 € |
Check-Points Health B.V. | 72.000,00 € |
Ophardt Hygiene-Technik GmbH + Co. KG | 76.000,00 € |
Cicero Communicatie | 7.081,80 € |
RadboudUMC, afdeling Kindergeneeskunde | 10.000,00 € |
RadboudUMC, afdeling Medische Microbiologie | 20.000,00 € |
Provincie Flevoland | 25.168,00 € |
Virtask Virtual Assistant B.V | 26.400,00 € |
Westfalen Gas AG | 32.000,00 € |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD) | 40.000,00 € |
S&F Datentechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 0,00 € |
KSYOS TeleMedisch Centrum | 0,00 € |
Provincie Noord-Brabant | 7.920,00 € |
Universität Bielefeld (Fakultät für Physik) | 30.000,00 € |
CKM GmbH | 38.000,00 € |
AGILeBiotics B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
Provincie Fryslân | 60.841,00 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 3.575.000,00 € |
Biotrack B.V. | 0,00 € |
T-Xchange B.V. | 0,00 € |
Watter B.V. | 0,00 € |
Christophorus-Kliniken (Institut für Labormedizin, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene) | 18.000,00 € |
Provincie Drenthe | 25.000,00 € |
Checkbuster B.V. | 32.000,00 € |
Bananaa Opmerkelijke Communicatie B.V. | 36.000,00 € |
Hycult Biotechnology B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
Coolminds B.V. | 46.666,80 € |
Ridom GmbH | 48.000,00 € |
PolyVation B.V. | 60.000,00 € |
Brandes-Innovation i.G. | 46.666,80 € |
Mediaproducts B.V. | 68.000,00 € |
Indietopia B.V. | 0,00 € |
Novioscan B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
Provincie Gelderland | 60.336,00 € |
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research | 25.000,00 € |
Eno Zorgverzekering N.V. | 0,00 € |
Desah B.V. | 24.000,00 € |
LABCON-OWL Analytik, Forschung und Consulting GmbH | 48.000,00 € |
Provincie Overijssel | 60.335,00 € |
Provincie Groningen | 75.000,00 € |
Duits-Nederlandse Handelskamer (DNHK) | 80.000,00 € |
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat | 471.900,00 € |
Gemeinschaftspraxis für Gefäßmedizin - Gefäßzentrum Mönchengladbach DGG | 6.800,00 € |
Microbial Analysis B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
Brainlink B.V. | 46.666,00 € |
Universiteit Twente | 80.000,00 € |
Wetsus | 99.000,00 € |
Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG) | 465.695,08 € |
BioVisible B.V. | 40.000,00 € |
CWZ (Stichting Nijmeegs Interconfessioneel Ziekenhuis Canisius Wilhelmina) | 40.000,00 € |
IDMC B.V. | 66.666,80 € |
MB Niedersachsen | 393.250,00 € |