Interreg VI news




In het Spoor van de Oranjes / Auf den Spuren der Oranier

Auf den Spuren der Oranier, Oranier-Fahrradroute Apeldoorn -’s-Heerenberg-Kleve-Moers

“In the footsteps of the Oranians” is a tourist (cultural-historical) cross-border cooperation project. Places with a (visible) historical connection to the House of Oranje-Nassau are connected by the realisation of a cross-border signposted Orange Bicycle Route Apeldoorn-`s-Heerenberg-Kleve-Moers v.v.

The cycle route is part of the already realised successful (imaginary) Orange Route of the Duits Verkeersbureau in Amsterdam. By highlighting a part of the Orange Route in an innovative way as a signposted cycle route, the Orange Route is made accessible to an even larger target group. More opportunities will be created for (press) coverage and thus for raising the profile of the region. The local and (EU)regional economy will be strengthened by the creation of co-operation between cultural institutions in the mentioned cross-border area and by their connection with tourist attractions, gastronomy and retail trade. More (foreign) tourists and additional overnight stays will boost turnover and employment. At the same time, the cultural and historical awareness of the inhabitants, visitors and entrepreneurs on both sides of the border will be increased.

This is the first Orange Bicycle Route on the territory of the Euregio Rhine-Waal. Through the project “In the footsteps of the Oranians”, new target groups and visitors will visit this border region, while at the same time the core themes of cycling and experiencing the (EU)regio will receive new impetus. Special attention will be paid to children.


Planned project costs

181.346,94 €

Project Duration

1.1.2017 - 31.5.2019


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

Gemeente Montferland

Project partners

Gemeente Doetinchem, Gemeente Apeldoorn, Stadt Moers, Kleve Marketing GmbH & Co. KG, Kreis Wesel - Der Landrat, Stadt Emmerich am Rhein, InfoCenter Emmerich, Tourist Information Xanten GmbH, Gemeinde Bedburg-Hau, Stadt Rheinberg, Stadt Kalkar, Gemeente Rheden, Gemeente Doesburg, Kulturraum Niederrhein e.V., Gemeente Brummen, Gemeente Zevenaar,


Financer Amount
EFRE / EFRO 90.673,47 €
Gemeente Brummen 1.961,68 €
Gemeente Doetinchem 1.961,68 €
Stadt Kalkar 1.961,68 €
Gemeente Rheden 1.961,68 €
Gemeente Doesburg 1.961,68 €
Stadt Moers 6.375,47 €
Stadt Emmerich am Rhein, InfoCenter Emmerich 1.961,68 €
Gemeinde Bedburg-Hau 1.961,68 €
Kleve Marketing GmbH & Co. KG 6.375,47 €
Gemeente Zevenaar 1.961,68 €
Kreis Wesel - Der Landrat 1.961,68 €
Stadt Rheinberg 1.961,68 €
Tourist Information Xanten GmbH 1.961,68 €
Kulturraum Niederrhein e.V. 1.471,26 €
Gemeente Montferland 6.375,47 €
MWIDE NRW 21.060,90 €
Gemeente Apeldoorn 6.375,47 €
Provincie Gelderland 21.060,90 €