On the 8th of November my colleague Lara Jansen and I went to visit the Province City Hall of Overijssel, Netherlands, to have an overview of the Province´s involvement in the Interreg Programme. Mr. Peter Moorman and Mr. Jacques van Steenbergen, Project Managers of the Development and Expertise Team and Economic Affairs and Culture Unit, gave us an insight of the commitmment of the Province in the regional and transnational cross-border cooperation.

For further information about:
-Spoorregio/SchienenRegio Project https://www.up2europe.eu/european/projects/spoorregio-schienenregio_145817.html
– CATCH Project http://www.northsearegion.eu/catch/partners/dutch-province-overijssel/
-INSIDEOUT Project https://www.interregeurope.eu/insideouteu/

Leyla Michela Tarahomi, Interreg Reporter for Interreg Deutschland-Nederland Programme at Euregio Rhein-Waal