Interreg VI news

You already have a project idea for the upcoming Interreg VI program? Please discuss this with our regional programme management!




Here you'll find everything about the INTERREG-Programme Germany-Netherlands. Start your own project now. Also try our ... Read more

Dates and Deadlines

where and when

to apply for projects?

In the Germany-Netherlands INTERREG-Programme, you can apply for projects all the time. We do not ... Read more

DAME Symposium

The possibilities of AI in the field of Medical Imaging

What exactly is Artificial Intelligence (AI), what are the possibilities of AI in medical imaging ... Read more

30 years of interreg

Topic: differences

"With us it really is news without borders."

Borderless information. Northwest Germany and the north of the Netherlands are economically, historically and culturally ... Read more

30 years of interreg

TOPIC: Cooperation

"You have the opportunities on your doorstep."

A healthier border region. The health-i-care project partners are working on this every day. The ... Read more

The border regions in Europe are the connecting links of the European Union. Through collaboration across borders, national borders in Europe will lose meaning and get less and less important. To support the cross-border cooperation between countries, The European Union has created a subsidy program, INTERREG, to support the cross border cooperation between countries. INTERREG supports cross-border cooperation along the borders of Europe. For the Dutch-German cross-border region there is a budget available with an amount of approximately 440 million euros, for the period 2014-2020. The objectives that will be reached with these resources, are described in the programme INTERREG Germany-Netherlands.

The main objectives of the programme are to increase the innovative capacity of the border region and to reduce the barrier effect of the boundary.

A natural person or a legal entity, organisation or a company can file a project application. Exclusively projects where Dutch and German partners are working together, will be funded. The funding of the projects always consists of a personal contribution of the partners, EU-grant funding and often national and regional grant funding (e.g. ministries and provinces).

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