Interreg VI news





eCoStore - Entwicklung einer elektronischen Plattform zur Förderung der Energieeffizienz im Kühlhausbereich

In the eCoStore project, a digitalised cooperation platform with energy efficiency services for companies with a need for cold and chilled storage and transport capacity is being developed. The target group are German and Dutch SMEs from the cold storage and logistics sector and the agribusiness. The aim is to increase the energy efficiency of the cold stores and transports through synergies and the development of previously unused capacities. The demand for cooling capacities is growing, the demand is seasonally determined and is becoming increasingly volatile due to strong growth rates in the area of online food trading. Capacities in the cold chain must therefore be made available in a time-efficient, flexible and economical manner. Cross-border exchange and cooperation are the basis for innovation and thus for the competitiveness of the region.

The keys to the necessary innovation are provided by the eCoStore platform:
a) Use of synergies in intelligent networks in both countries
b) Consistent digitalization of processes
c) efficient development of existing capacity reserves and their cooperative use (shared economy)
(d) use of mechanisms to level volatile demand
(e) creation of an infrastructure in the Euregio with a favourable cost structure

A company with cold storage requirements can rent suitable and energy-efficient capacities with digital quality monitoring via the platform or make them available to the market. Also capacities for refrigerated transports are considered in order to organize highly efficient supply chains of goods to be refrigerated in the border region. A service aims to flexibly shift refrigerated transports to less CO2-driving modes of transport (Synchromodality 4.0). In order to increase the effect of eCoStore compared to conventional platform approaches, cooperation opportunities are created on the supply and demand side (partner clustering).


Planned project costs

946.482,00 €

Project Duration

1.1.2020 - 30.6.2022


Increase of cross-border innovation in the programme area

Lead Partner

Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Science

Project partners

Fontys Hogeschool, Yookr B.V., Van Sambeeck Management Services (Coldstore Expertise Center), Eurofresh Logistics GmbH, Stockspots B.V., Cuppen Logistics, Coldstore Venray, Fresh Logistics Systems GmbH, Istia Software B.V.,


Financer Amount
Fresh Logistics Systems GmbH 4.678,00 €
Stockspots B.V. 101.131,00 €
Eurofresh Logistics GmbH 4.678,00 €
MWIDE NRW 132.592,00 €
Cuppen Logistics 4.035,00 €
Provincie Noord-Brabant 18.941,71 €
Yookr B.V. 56.860,00 €
Van Soest Coldstores Venlo B.V. 0,00 €
EFRE / EFRO 397.346,99 €
Istia Software B.V. 0,00 €
Fontys Hogeschool 13.504,00 €
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat 75.766,87 €
Van Sambeeck Management Services (Coldstore Expertise Center) 2.800,00 €
Coldstore Venray 4.035,00 €
Provincie Limburg 37.883,43 €
Hochschule Niederrhein - University of Applied Science 92.230,00 €