Interreg VI news





GrenzInfoPunkt EUREGIO: Bereitstellung von Informationen für Grenzpendler

An integrated cross-border labour market is of particular importance for the stimulation of economic growth in border areas. Hereby, the provision of information to employers and employees plays a key role. Main obstacles to labour mobility are insufficient language knowledge and different social security and fiscal systems, as well as insufficient information. In order to improve the provision of information, a network of Border Info Points has been established along the German-Dutch-Belgian border area in the years 2015 – 2017. With their vast expertise the Border Info Points support employers and employees in individual questions concerning employment and application procedures in a cross-border context.
Within the project GIP EUREGIO, the offer and services of the Border Info Point were further developed and professionalized. The so called “click-call-connect”-principle was followed, what means that before a face-to-face conversation takes place the client should receive advice via mail or phone or within a group presentation. Having in mind the current economic trend, the offer was more focused on the provision of information and support to employers, students and trainees. In addition, the network of the Border Info Points was further developed , in particular as it comes to quality management and the strengthening of cooperation, for example in the field of marketing. As part of this cooperation, a common marketing strategy was developed.
Due to the corona crisis, many activities could not be implemented since March 2020. But the GIP EUREGIO guaranteed personal service through advice by mail and telephone. The website has become the central information portal on the impact of COVID-19 on living, working, studying and business in a cross-border context and obstacles have been forwarded to the relevant ministries and shared with regional stakeholders through newsletter/updates by a GIP crisis team. After the end of the project, the GIP EUREGIO as well as the other GIPs will be continued with funding other than INTERREG.


Planned project costs

1.015.366,05 €

Project Duration

1.2.2019 - 31.5.2021


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner



Financer Amount
Regio Twente 64.645,64 €
EFRE / EFRO 498.808,82 €
Provincie Overijssel 74.821,43 €
Kreis Steinfurt 16.061,65 €
Provincie Gelderland 74.821,43 €
Regio Achterhoek 20.052,12 €
Gemeente Hardenberg 11.173,32 €
Landkreis Emsland 7.980,94 €
MWIDE NRW 99.761,67 €
EUREGIO 15.284,23 €
Kreis Borken 35.614,96 €
Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim 28.930,92 €
MB Niedersachsen 49.880,95 €