Interreg VI news




Natur- und Waldbrandprävention/Natuur- en Bosbrandpreventie

Reduzierung der Risiken von unkontrollierbaren Bränden in Natur- und Waldgebieten

The aim of the project was to improve German-Dutch cooperation in preventing and fighting fires in nature conservation and forest areas. Through a good cooperation risks can be reduced across border, Dutch and German knowledge and experience were exchanged and shared. Based on a web-based risk analysis, the project partners in working groups, have drawn up risk management plans with a programme of measures to reduce risks and a cost plan. Along the NL-D border four risk management plans were realised in Limburg and the neighbouring German districts of Kleve, Viersen and Heinsberg (in Norhtrhine-Westfalia): Mook and Middelaar (NL), Maasduinen Midden (NL), Venlo (NL) and Grenzwald/D-NL Meinweg. The used methods for the preparation of the risk management plans can serve as a blueprint for other (transboundary) areas.

With the implementation of measures to realise compartment boundaries (stop lines/accessible for fire-fighting vehicles) and firewater intake facilities, it was possible to reduce the risk of fires. But unfortunately it could not prevent a major fire in Meinweg in April 2020. As part of the project, a larger additional water intake point was realised. Two weeks after finishing it the Meinweg fire broke out and the just realised waterintake pioint could be used by the NL fire brigade during the four days of extinguishing work.

In future, projectpartners will continue to cooperate in the fire protection of nature and forests. It is important to exchange more knowledge and know-how on the different NL and D tactics and methods for fire fighting. Regular joint exercises (in the field and in theory through table-top simulations) are of great importance for future cooperation. It will be important to investigate which innovations could lead to a faster detection of and to increase the effectiveness of (cross-border) fire-fighting operations.

To project (external link)


Planned project costs

890.000,00 €

Project Duration

1.8.2016 - 31.1.2021


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

Duits-Nederlands Grenspark Maas-Swalm-Nette

Project partners

Gemeente Roerdalen, Gemeinde Wegberg, Naturschutzstation Haus Wildenrath e. V., Biologische Station Krickenbecker Seen, Regionalforstamt Niederrhein (Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen), Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord, Bosgroep Zuid Nederland, Nordrhein-Westfalen-Stiftung Naturschutz, Heimat- und Kulturpflege, Stichting Het Limburgs Landschap, Staatsbosbeheer,


Financer Amount
Bosgroep Zuid Nederland 0,00 €
Naturschutzstation Haus Wildenrath e. V. 0,00 €
Gemeente Roerdalen 9.877,07 €
Veiligheidsregio Limburg-Noord 9.877,07 €
Regionalforstamt Niederrhein (Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz Nordrhein-Westfalen) 9.877,07 €
Biologische Station Krickenbecker Seen 0,00 €
Gemeinde Wegberg 9.877,07 €
Stichting Het Limburgs Landschap 9.877,07 €
Staatsbosbeheer 9.877,07 €
MWIDE NRW 115.235,82 €
EFRE / EFRO 413.900,08 €
Duits-Nederlands Grenspark Maas-Swalm-Nette 113.820,52 €
Provincie Limburg 115.235,82 €
Nordrhein-Westfalen-Stiftung Naturschutz, Heimat- und Kulturpflege 19.754,14 €