Interreg VI news
NOC/NOV consists of (young) musicians from Northern Netherlands (Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe) and Northwest Germany (Oldenburg/Ostfriesland), who are selected on the basis of demanding quality criteria through regional auditions. It unites very talented young musicians from the EDR in a high-level EU orchestra that transcends cultural boundaries.
NOC will play a unique role in promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual respect and understanding through culture. With its activities, it acts as cultural ambassador for the EDR by focusing the spotlight on the richness and diversity of German and Dutch cultures and on emerging talents. The cross-border partnership also contributes to the development of methods and methodologies that ultimately enable other organisations in the border area and beyond to use them.
This group of exceptional young musicians works together to realize a very high level of orchestra and thus the NOC presents itself as a unique orchestra in Europe.
Now that the EU is facing numerous challenges and needs a closer bond with its citizens, NOC has an even more important role to play in expressing European core values, connecting people through classical music and reach the younger generation in the EDR by bringing together young practitioners of classical music with a different background through concerts, exchanges, workshops, etc.
The NOC partners are professional organisations with a long and rich history. By entering into a long-term partnership, a consistently high level of music making, a wide range and continuity of NOC is guaranteed.
Linking the NOC launch to the European Youth Music Festival in May 2018 will reach a large audience of more than 10,000 visitors and an extensive amount of press.
452.303,99 €
1.1.2018 - 31.3.2019
Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area
Cultuur Kwartier Sneek
Noordelijk Orkestrale Manoeuvres KamerFilharmonie Der Aa, Musikschule der Stadt Oldenburg,
Financer | Amount |
Musikschule der Stadt Oldenburg | 3.550,00 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 197.186,66 € |
Cultuur Kwartier Sneek | 248.507,33 € |
Noordelijk Orkestrale Manoeuvres KamerFilharmonie Der Aa | 3.060,00 € |