Interreg VI news
The Agro-Food business in the Netherlands and in Germany are one of the biggest production areas. This branch is also very international. The Agro-food branch is expecting great changes in the future due to trends in the market and due to technological developments. There for it is very important that the smaller companies have qualified personnel and have innovative skills.
In this branch the inflow of qualified personnel is staying behind to the specific needs.
Also the companies have difficulties in finding the right course for Life Long Learning
This new project “Regional SKILLS LABS” brings (future) workers en entrepreneurs in the Agro-Food branch together in regional testcenters, where the can develop knowledge and practices where newest technology. They also can develop new innovative business proposals concerning new trends on the market. Each regional SKILLS LAB has it own specific targets, such as: Intelligent management in Horticulture, new marketing concepts, international and intercultural management, smart farming and smart food processing
Within each SKILLS LAB the entrepreneurs are in the lead for defining the necessary skills
The three regional SKILLS LABS in the Dutch-German Border area can start right away. The other two SKILSS LABS start up during the project period.
All SKILLS LABS have a strong international orientation and work strongly together; the students and entrepreneurs join each other in the activities of all the SKILLS LABS.
The students are trained in the newest skills and take notice of the different aspects of the Agro-food branch.
Dutch en German participants are mixed in the courses and workshops. The participants
Take notice in the “Euregio” of their most important export market.
In total 200 entrepreneurs and 500 (future) workers within the Agro-Food branch work together in this project. In this project there we develop 10 new product-market combinations.
2.218.060,00 €
1.5.2017 - 30.6.2021
Increase of cross-border innovation in the programme area
Stichting CITAVERDE College, Huis van de Brabantse Kempen (Stichting Het Huis van de Brabantse Kempen) , Stichting AOC-Oost Nederland, Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V., HAS Den Bosch, 40 KMU Skills Lab Agrofood Management, 40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Chain, 40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Farming, 40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Horticulture, 40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Food Processing, Stichting Werkgelegenheid Groen Onderwijs,,
Financer | Amount |
Provincie Gelderland | 19.995,27 € |
Provincie Limburg | 19.995,27 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 1.109.020,00 € |
40 KMU Skills Lab Agrofood Management | 67.500,00 € |
40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Chain | 67.500,00 € |
40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Farming | 67.500,00 € |
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat | 89.978,70 € |
HAS Den Bosch | 19.752,00 € |
40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Horticulture | 67.500,00 € |
Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V. | 45.895,00 € |
MWIDE NRW | 149.964,50 € |
Stichting Werkgelegenheid Groen Onderwijs | 0,00 € |
Provincie Noord-Brabant | 19.995,27 € |
Stichting AOC-Oost Nederland | 62.822,00 € |
Stichting CITAVERDE College | 84.866,25 € | | 0,00 € |
IMBSE e.K. | 198.749,74 € |
Huis van de Brabantse Kempen (Stichting Het Huis van de Brabantse Kempen) | 59.526,00 € |
40 KMU Skills Lab Smart Food Processing | 67.500,00 € |