Interreg VI news
The “EUREGIO SchienenRegion” project, finished in summer 2018, aimed at improving the international, cross-border rail connections in the area of the EUREGIO and around the Amsterdam – Berlin carrier line. The development and improvement of high-speed rail lines is recognised by the European Union as important. Measures, which contribute to shortening travel times, increasing frequencies and improving the reliability of cross-border rail connections on the Berlin line and cross-border interregional feeder lines, were examined. The urban and rural areas in the EUREGIO should be linked as efficiently as possible.
The participating partners are responsible for the further development of the rail network in the border region and they therefore need joint studies with concrete proposals for improvements. Besides that, the study can be used to demonstrate the visibility and importance of cross-border rail connections at national level. The results of the studies were presented to the parties that were involved and introduced to the regional committees. In addition, the possibilities of support through the TEN-T programme have been explored because the Amsterdam-Berlin link is part of the North Sea-Baltic corridor within this program.
399.092,89 €
1.1.2016 - 1.7.2018
Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area
Partner Provincie Overijssel
Bentheimer Eisenbahn AG, Zweckverband SPNV Munsterland (ZVM),
Financer | Amount |
Provincie Overijssel | 19.954,64 € |
Stad Osnabruck | 4.390,46 € |
Stadt Munster | 4.390,46 € |
MWIDE NRW | 26.342,77 € |
Industrie- und Handelskammer Nord Westfalen | 2.195,23 € |
Zweckverband SPNV Munsterland (ZVM) | 35.123,69 € |
Bentheimer Eisenbahn AG | 4.390,46 € |
Partner Provincie Overijssel | 40.699,57 € |
Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim | 4.390,46 € |
Provincie Drenthe | 4.390,46 € |
Provincie Gelderland | 19.954,64 € |
Industrie- und Hannelskammer Osnabruck/Emsland/Grafschaft Bentheim | 2.195,23 € |
Regio Twente | 13.171,38 € |
MB Niedersachsen | 13.566,52 € |
EFRE / EFRO | 199.546,45 € |
Landkreis Osnabruck (WIGOS) | 4.390,46 € |