Interreg VI news




Unterrichtsmaterial D-NL / Lesmateriaal D-NL

Unterrichtsmaterial D-NL / Lesmateriaal D-NL

Within the framework of the project, teaching materials for the upper secondary level of grammar schools and comprehensive schools in Germany and in the Netherlands will be de-veloped. With regard to Germany, this involves material for the subjects of history, social science, geography and Dutch and, with regard to the Dutch schools, comparable subjects from the profiles of culture and society as well as business and society. The teaching material should be suitable for both teaching about the Netherlands and Germany as well as for comparative teaching. As a matter of principle, the material is also available in both languages for both countries, so that it can be used in foreign language teaching both in the Netherlands and in Germany. In addition to the teaching material to be developed for the students, additional didactic material for the teachers should be created to increase the user-friendliness in the lessons.

The use of teaching and learning material in schools in the Netherlands and in the German states with ,Schwerpunktschulen‘ focussing on Dutch and the Netherlands is guaranteed by the responsible authorities of the school inspectorate on official channels. They are represented in the project.

To project (external link)


Planned project costs

361.493,34 €

Project Duration

1.7.2020 - 30.6.2022


Socio-cultural and territorial cohesion in the programme area

Lead Partner

Zentrum für Niederlande-Studien, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Project partners

Nuffic, Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam,


Financer Amount
MB Niedersachsen 12.262,45 €
Provincie Gelderland 18.393,68 €
Zentrum für Niederlande-Studien, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 103.042,53 €
EFRE / EFRO 177.556,58 €
Nuffic 3.659,76 €
Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam 3.659,76 €
MWIDE NRW 24.524,90 €
Provincie Overijssel 18.393,68 €