Interreg VI news





eXtreme Temperatur Chip-Radio-Frequenz-Indentifikation-Technologie

The goal for the XTC-ID project is, to develop a unique RFID transponder (TAG), used under extreme temperature ranges and in harsh environments. Safe and reproducible identification in extreme environmental conditions, such as high and / or low temperature ranges are possible in the future. Nowadays conventional RFID technology, is only usable at normal temperatures up to max. 125 ° C (see Industry 4.0 or Internet of Things (IoT)), and this excludes extreme temperatures or harsh environments. The aim is therefore, to produce a very robust and unique “Extreme Temperature Chip IDentification” – (XTC-ID) technology for future applications and markets. Conventional identification systems, such as barcodes or RFID Tags can not be used and/or will fail completely in these environments or under these temperature ranges. More news about the project are available HERE.


Planned project costs

3.569.579,25 €

Project Duration

1.1.2017 - 30.6.2021


Increase of cross-border innovation in the programme area

Lead Partner

Intelli Labs Deutschland Ltd.

Project partners

DNL-contact Gmbh & Co KG, IMST GmbH, Joint Analytical Systems Benelux BV, Universiteit Twente,


Financer Amount
Provincie Flevoland 76.874,55 €
Universiteit Twente 107.283,13 €
Intelli Labs Deutschland Ltd. 356.926,71 €
Provincie Noord-Brabant 29.895,66 €
DNL-contact Gmbh & Co KG 32.013,13 €
Joint Analytical Systems Benelux BV 441.452,50 €
IMST GmbH 376.768,75 €
EFRE / EFRO 1.784.789,63 €
MWIDE NRW 266.925,51 €
Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat 160.155,31 €